Schedule a Private Session for You and Your Animal ►
Nature is in constant contact with itself. The animal and plant kingdoms speak to each
other through telepathy. It is their natural way and the most basic form of communication. Humans also have this ability and with an open mind and an open heart, we too can communicate telepathically with all species.
Schedule a 1/2 hour, 3/4 hour or 1 hour session with me. I can work both in person and distantly. Because the process I use is meditative, I am able to connect with your animal(s) by using their photograph. The majority of the work I do is distant. Physical distance is not a factor in the quality of the connection with the animal. In fact, most consultations are conducted over the phone.
For some animals this method of communication is more effective, as the animal will not be distracted by the presence of a stranger or by being in a strange place. Such distractions can hamper the animal’s ability to focus during the session, thus affecting the quality of the connection and the amount of information received during the consultation. In other words, you, your animal and I can be in different parts of the world and I can connect and communicate with your animal telepathically.
3/4 Hour Session – $150.00
1 Hour Session – $200.00
Contact me via email with your name, the name of the person you would like to gift to, and the address you would like the certificates mailed to. I will mail the gift certificates within two business days.
3/4 Hour Session – $150.00
1 Hour Session – $200.00

My alpaca friends at KeLe Alpaca. Corina, Ouray, Leilani, Aula, Ramona and Gracie. Kewaunee, Wisconsin
When I work with any animal, I treat each one with respect and compassion. I really need to listen and not rush the conversation. I am speaking with the animals telepathically, that means in my thoughts, using my emotions, my physical feelings or perhaps I see pictures in my mind’s eye. There are no crystal balls, I am not a mind reader. Talking to an animal is like talking to a person, the key to a great conversation is how tuned in to listening I am. My field of energy needs to be clear so that I am listening from a neutral place. I am not judging from my own perspective. (i.e. I can’t do this, others can but I can’t. Nothing’s happening. The animals don’t want to talk to me…) I must remain neutral. (Let’s see where the conversation takes us.)
When I am talking to an animal for other people, it is extremely important to relay as accurately as possible, the messages that the animal would like to share with his or her person. Many times the message from the animal does not make sense to me, but it does make sense to the animal’s person. As an animal communicator I am championing for the animal.
Through the animals we can heal ourselves and create a more beautiful environment for all creatures, both human and animals. Our animals are here to remind us that we can love unconditionally. We are here together to help each other heal the fear that is blocking us from realizing our True Selves. Through the animals we can find our spirits and our passion. We can release the fear that is blocking us from going within and looking deeper. Through our relationships with our animals we are able to open our hearts and feel the love of the Divine, transmuting all that no longer serves our Highest Good of All.
Are you interested in knowing what your animal is trying to tell you?
Take the first step by signing up for my free report:
Life Changing Messages from 10 of My Favorite Animals
What the animals are trying to tell you.