February 2022 Issue
Nancy: Tell us your story! How did you begin your intuitive work of talking with our animals?
Lynn: When I was a little girl, I talked to the animals. I probably talked to my Angels and High Guides, as well. I was aware that I had many friends in the unseen world.
At age 7, I realized that no one in my world communicated with animals or angels the way that I did, and like a switch, I turned off my ability. I was not aware of it at the time, but when I made the decision to not use my spiritual gifts, I began to suffer from depression.
As an adult, a counselor helped me determine that the “low hum” I felt for most of my life was low-grade chronic depression. That really resonated with me and as a result, I learned how to soothe myself through deep belly breathing and meditation.
In 2002, my good friend, Sue, asked me if I would like to take a Reiki Class with her. I had no idea what Reiki was, but thought this would be a great opportunity to spend a weekend with my friend. I found out that I love Reiki and as a result of trying something new, I became a Reiki Master Teacher.
My Reiki teacher, Rebecca Moravec was also a Telepathic Animal Communicator. I loved her philosophy and the way she worked. I had the privilege of studying with her from 2002 until the time of her transition in December of 2014.
From the time I took my first class with Rebecca, I knew that I was on the right path. I began communicating with the animals, both domestic and wild, on a daily basis. I was open to learning more about such subjects as Breathwork, Past Life Regression, Soul Retrieval, the Lower World where the Totem Animals reside and the Upper World where the Akashic Records are stored. I began visiting these places. With the help of my High Guides and the Angels, I could go deeper into meditation more easily and consistently.
Nancy: I find it interesting that we can go within, call on our Angels and Guides, connect to them and listen as they lead us to the next step to take. In your case, it lifted you out of depression and into a glorious new life working with the animals!
Lynn: Yes! As a Telepathic Animal Communicator, I began using these practices with the animals, as well as with my human clients. What surprised me was that some of my animal friends showed me that we travel in the same Soul Groups and that we have been together in past lives. For example, my horse, Izzy has helped me heal trauma through Past Life Regression. In 2012, I needed to have hip replacement surgery. Prior to surgery, and during meditation, I would ask my body about the emotional attachment that I had to the physical hip pain. Since the Root Chakra is in the hip area, I asked my Guides to help me heal any emotional trauma regarding feelings of safety and security regarding family and relationships.
One day, Izzy told me that she was my horse in a past life. She was a gelding and we were very close. His name was Rusty. I was a male about 22 years old. Rusty and I worked on a ranch and one day we left the range earlier than the other workers. As we cantered up to the ranch house, we saw that the barn was on fire. My friend’s son was playing with matches in one of the stalls and when I tried to rescue the boy, I burned my hip on the stall door. I was unable to save the boy’s life. Although I still needed hip surgery in this life, I was able to heal effects from the past life, and the physical healing of my hip in this lifetime went better than expected.
Nancy: Wow, that’s an amazing story! In my work, often times the angels reveal the root of our present malady is an unhealed carry-over from another life. From the animals’ perspective, what is their intention with humans?
Lynn: Love. It’s always about bringing in love in all of its facets… compassion, empathy, joy, selflessness, peacefulness, courage, and so on. I truly believe that through the animals, we can transform the human race. The animals mirror us in so many ways. Their goal is to help us heal, to strive for unconditional love. They show us this in so many ways.
In 2011, I asked my Angels and Guides to help me create a better and more understanding relationship with my younger sister, Marci. I didn’t know how this would happen, thus my plea to my Guides and Angels. But I knew that the desire to create a better relationship was very strong within me. A short time after I made the plea, my mentor, Rebecca asked me if she could give me her beloved horse, Boo. Rebecca suffered from cystic fibrosis. The barn was too dusty and she could not breathe well enough to spend as much time as she wanted to with Boo. It was an extremely loving gesture on her part and one that totally broke her heart. Rebecca exemplified pure selflessness and unconditional love.
Marci lived on a farm and had horses of her own and had years of experience with them. At age 52, Boo would be my first horse and although I love horses and had been around them often enough, prior to Rebecca’s request, I had no intention of being the guardian of a horse. But the experience presented itself… on so many levels. I would have a new, beautiful and loving companion and I could ask for Marci’s help. I would need to rely on her to teach me about the care and feeding of horses.
It was through the horses that Marci and I mended our relationship. (Sometimes we mended physical fences together too!) I was able to let go of preconceived notions and began to see my sister as the loving person that she truly is. We both let go of fear, anger and resentment and began to truly enjoy each other’s company. I have learned so much from this experience and it was through the horses that made it so.
Our Angels and Guides are all around us and they speak to us in many ways ~ especially through the animals. There are examples everywhere in daily life where our animals show us unconditional love. The best part of my job as a Telepathic Animal Communicator, is the feeling of a heart opening.
Our animals are really good at holding space for us. They will share their hearts with us when we are unable to love ourselves. They comfort us when we are sad and run joyfully about when we are happy. They behave in ways that make us laugh when we need to remember our sense of humor. Sometimes they teach us valuable lessons by mirroring our own behaviors. They teach us about compassion and about our own behaviors and help us to make changes in our lives.
Nancy: Tell us about the benefits and how these precious beings help us heal?
Lynn: Some of the best examples of the animals helping us to heal have come from my animal communication classes. The students bond during class, not only with each other, but they also experience deeper bonds with their animals.
One student was able to alleviate some of her dog’s anxiety as they talked about the recent transition of one of her other dogs. Both human and animal were able to soothe each other through the love in their hearts.
When we listen to what our animal companions have to say, we get a deeper understanding about ourselves, our habits and the way our behavior affects others in our lives. Guiding animals and people in creating huge shifts in their lives on a deep, soulful level is what brings incredible joy to my life.
Nancy: And to me and my readers! Thank you for bridging the gap between us and our animals, and for all you do to spread love in both worlds.
Hi Lynn,
I just wanted you to know that Lana continues to do much better since our session with you last Saturday. The healing you facilitated helped her so much – she is brighter, happier, and much more alive. I am so pleased to see her doing well again. You made a big difference for all of us! Thank you so very much!
Jessica – Olney, MD
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