Fran met Little Bear when he was a puppy. He was hiding behind one of the other dogs that came to Small Miracles Animal Rescue with him.
When he saw her, he was tentative and shy, but there was a definite connection between them. Fran was at the rescue visiting the dogs that day, for what she thought was a therapeutic purpose, a way to heal her heart from the loss of her beloved animal companion, Jackson who had transitioned three weeks prior. She didn’t think she would be bringing anyone home…but there he was…she knew, and her heart opened for him.
Before she brought Little Bear home, Fran was told that he was found in an abandoned house along with 5 other adult dogs. He was the only puppy in the group. All of the dogs were malnourished, scared and tired.
Six years have passed since then. Fran and her husband, Butch still wonder what else they can do to support him. They’d like to help Bear let go of his fear of men and wondered if he could tell us what happened to him before they met.
Bear loves Butch, but Bear suffers from Post Traumatic Stress and sometimes he’s afraid of Butch and other men. Bear sleeps on their bed at night. If Butch rolls towards Fran, Bear will move from the bottom of the bed and get in between them. Sometimes he barks at Butch without provocation. Bear feels that he must alway protect Fran.
Butch gets up first in the morning. He lets Bear outside, feeds him, and brings Fran coffee in bed. Usually when he hands her the coffee, Bear barks at him without cause as he protects Fran.
I asked Bear if he would be willing to show us his past. I told him that Fran and I would be his witness and we could help him heal the wounds that he holds in his heart.
Bear showed me that when he was a puppy, he was out in the fenced in yard with his mom and two of his brothers. He went up to the man that was leaning over the fence. The man reached down and grabbed him. His mother was frantic as she watched the stranger walk away with her puppy.
The man lived with a lady. They lived with several other dogs. The man’s heart was empty and he did not know how to love, so he collected dogs as a way to fill that void. The man wasn’t very nice to his lady or the dogs. One day the man grabbed a pan off the stove and threw it at the lady. Hot water got all over her and she screamed. Bear’s story unraveled from there and somehow the six dogs ended up at the abandoned house.
As we went back to those places, I asked Bear to breathe deeply and meditate with me. We recovered soul fragments that he had left behind. From his mother, we retrieved his innocence and we let her know that her puppy, Little Bear is safe and is in a very loving home.
In real time, Fran told me that he was breathing deeper than normal, his feet were moving and from his body language, she could see that he was concentrating, he was right there with me.
As we continued our meditation, Bear and I looked at the men in his life. The man he is afraid of, the one who stole him from his mother, feels empty inside. He yelled at people and animals. He did not know how to be kind to himself and he took out his rage on everyone else.
Butch, on the other hand, has a loving heart. He cherishes his wife. He speaks softly and kindly. He does not yell. He adores Bear and he cultivates his relationships in positive ways as he supports the people and animals that he loves.
Bear and I explored the differences between the men – energetically, physically, emotionally and mentally. As we breathed, we imagined that we were breathing in love. I asked Little Bear to notice what that feels like. I asked him to imagine, and picture in his mind’s eye, the people that come to him when he feels love. Is Fran there? Is Butch there? I asked gently. Yes, he could see them and he could feel how much they love him.
This is how your life is now, I told Bear and I made sure that he knows he will never see that other man, nor will he ever experience anything like he did with that other man ever again.
With Bear’s permission, we gently went back to the memories where he left his soul pieces. We retrieved his grace, his empathy, and his mercy. We found forgiveness for the man who hurt him. Not because the man deserves forgiveness, but because Bear deserves peace.
In the physical world, I told Bear that from now on, when Butch brings her coffee in bed, he will also bring Bear a treat. The coffee that he brings Fran and the treat he brings Bear are symbols of Butch’s love and devotion for both Fran and Bear. There will be a new morning ritual, one that is for the Highest Good of All. And there will be other positive changes too.
I just know it!
Photo of Bear courtesy of Fran
Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
Hi Lynn,
I just wanted you to know that Lana continues to do much better since our session with you last Saturday. The healing you facilitated helped her so much – she is brighter, happier, and much more alive. I am so pleased to see her doing well again. You made a big difference for all of us! Thank you so very much!
Jessica – Olney, MD
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Thank you so much Karen! I am happy to have you in my life as well. Life is good!