During an Animal Communication Class, one of my students asked an intriguing question. “Does communication with the animals happen on some other dimension?” She continued to ponder as she said, “For example, during class, Tula [her dog] was chewing intently on an antler while she was being communicated with by someone in class.”
“Meanwhile, Tula and I [my student] are in Hawaii and I am 5 feet away from her while I am communicating with a dog I never met in Wisconsin who has no idea that I am about to descend upon her (politely) with questions!”
“Maybe they are sleeping, or playing, or otherwise “busy.” Is this happening in this dimension, in real time?”
It is a great question, isn’t it?
I believe that when we connect with the animals through telepathic means, we are communicating with them in the 5th Dimension. In order to reach them telepathically a few things must happen. One, we must have an open heart and an open, relaxed mind. And two, we must let go of ego and judgement and be present in the here and now.
When I talk to the animals, I often say that I am on a fact finding mission. With my eyes closed, I’m looking around and noticing, without judgement, what is happening within my body. Sometimes I see pictures in my mind’s eye. At other times, I hear their voices. It’s not my normal mind chatter; I hear the animal’s voices somewhere deeper in my mind, behind my physical ears. Their voices sound childlike and innocent, not typical of my normal thinking that sounds, to me, like my adult speaking voice.
I am also able to feel the animal’s feelings in my heart, solar plexus, or sometimes in my throat when they feel that they are not being heard. Sometimes I have a sense of knowing that something is true, without knowing how I know.
Through Telepathic Animal Communication, we are learning to access the 5D world at any time.
The connection comes from the breath. Deep belly breathing. When we are breathing mindfully, we bring our consciousness into the here and now. Right now; focusing on what is happening in your entire body is key to holding the space for telepathic connection.
The 5th Dimension is not a place, or destination, or an immediate change in your outer world, it is simply a state of “being.” In other words, when you are happy, quiet, mindful, observing, and at ease, you are in the 5th dimension.
Being a citizen of the fifth dimension means that you hold your awareness in a balanced state of present time consciousness. You respond to outside stimuli rather than quickly reacting to things that trigger you. You are happy, understanding, and balanced from a 5th Dimensional perspective, but, most importantly you are Mindful!
Our animals are Ambassadors of Consciousness, they are our helpers. They help humans as they love unconditionally. They show us how to reach a higher state of being. The animals help us release fear, judgement and anger. As we release these lower vibrational emotions, we find ourselves living in peace, non-judgement and joy. We become a vibrational match for Higher Consciousness.
When we are joyful, we can access the 5th dimension and bring in abundance. We are in balance with All That Is. And, Source (All That Is), being an unconditionally loving being, has honored our free will in letting us ascend to the 5th Dimension in our own time, and in our own way.
Healing Through Animal Communication – Through the Animals We Transform the Human Race
Photo by nate rayfield on Unsplash
Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash
Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash
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