Rocco and Bacci
End of Life, Death and Reincarnation…There are many concepts and questions about these subjects and as an animal communicator, I have walked through experiences with several different clients and their animal companions.
Many humans schedule appointments with me to enquire about the wishes of their animals. Are they ready to transition? Would they like help? Is there anything that they need to experience before they go? For animals who have already transitioned, their people want to find out what it was like. Did anyone greet them on the other side? Would they like to reincarnate and come back to them?
The universal theme of this work is unconditional love. It is my understanding that all souls come from the same place. It does not matter how many legs we have, if we have wings or fins, if we are warm or cold blooded, all of us come from, and return to, the same heaven. We are all White Light beings and our souls are eternal. We are all children of God.
Caroline and Henry adopted Bacci and Rocco when they were puppies. They were the last two puppies in their litter and they needed a forever home. The boys were a bonded pair, Caroline and Henry were grateful for the opportunity to keep them together for life. I met them when the boys were 12 years old.

When Rocco and Bacci were puppies
It was May of 2017 when Rocco was experiencing health issues. Caroline and I talked to Rocco and Bacci several times before Rocco made his transition in December of the same year. He went peacefully at home. Bacci stayed next to him the whole time.
The animals show me that when they transition, they go into the White Light which I consider to be the Light of God. The animals tell me that our transition is the most important moment of our lives. Although we are very joyful when there is a birth and we celebrate, it is our death that is even more significant than our birth in the unseen world.
No one ever travels alone. Every soul is important and every soul, no matter what species, is just as important as any other soul. When it is time for a soul to transition, those on the other side celebrate. All of us are greeted by many, many others who welcome us home. We will know some of them as they will be people or animals who have passed before us; we may also see our guides, our angels, and our ancestors.
After Rocco passed, Caroline and I began talking about reincarnation. She was wondering if Rocco would come back to be with her,Henry and Bacci. How would she find him? Would he be a puppy or would he be an older dog? Did she have to calculate when he died vs when he might be born and try to find his litter? Did she want to raise another puppy?
Sometimes they find us as puppies. Sometimes they “walk-in” to an older animal’s body. Walk-ins are souls that agree to come into a body that the original soul would like to leave. Some souls find out that this is not the place for them so they offer to be place holders for the soul who would like to reincarnate.
My best advice is to keep an open heart and mind. Your gut feeling will steer you in the right direction. It’s about setting your intention and answering the questions that come to mind. Let the heavens do the rest.
There is no timeline in heaven. Time is calculated here on earth so that we can make sense out of chaos. But in the heavens, time does not exist. Since we were already working together, I told Caroline to send me a photo of the dog that resonated with her. We could work together to find Rocco. Caroline met two dogs, neither of which turned out to be Bacci.
We did look, but didn’t find Bacci. It was very emotional for both Caroline and Henry. They were worried that since Bacci and Rocco were a bonded pair, Bacci may not stay long and make his transition as well.
In October of 2017, Henry was in a car accident. He sustained a heel fracture which resulted in surgery. His recovery was very slow. Henry was laid up for months and Bacci became Henry’s constant companion. The two of them grew very close.

The first photo of Beep and Bop
Caroline and Henry continued their search for Rocco and in June of 2018, Bacci began having health issues. Caroline and I concentrated on Bacci’s health. There were two more dogs that Caroline and Henry were interested in, neither of which were Rocco. Bacci let us know.
The last time I talked to Bacci while he was in this body, I shared Reiki with him. It was the day before his transition. We had become very close. Bacci passed on May 12, 2021. Shortly afterward I received a message from Caroline.
“We miss Bacci so much. The emptiness and not feeling his presence is so hard. I know he knows what a big part of our lives he was and especially with Henry. The 2 of them took care of each other after Rocco passed. I knew both of them were in good hands with each other while I was at work.”
“I hope he and Rocco reunited in heaven. We would love for them to return together, but only God knows the plan.”
In July of 2021, I talked to Rocco and Bacci to see if they were ready to reincarnate. Many times when I talk to the animals about their reincarnation, I visualize them in a park with children’s playground equipment. There is a child’s slide. The base of the slide is red. There are three steps to reach the platform. There is a silver roof above the platform. The slide itself is low and wide so if mom or dad want to slide down with their child, they can. I saw Bacci on the slide, he was on the third stair just about ready to get on the platform. Rocco was still running around in the park but he also was close to the slide. Both are getting ready to reincarnate.
On August 15 of 2021 Caroline wrote to me wondering if it was time for a check in. She told me that she put applications in at two rescues, not for any particular reason, just to get the energy moving and let the Universe know that she and Henry were ready.
On August 17th, one of the shelters called to let Caroline know that two pups would be arriving the next day… which also happened to be Bacci and Rocco’s birthday. Caroline sent me a photo of “Beep and Bop” I took one look at the photo and my heart skipped a beat. When I closed my eyes to connect with these two dogs, I saw both Rocco and Bacci jumping into Caroline’s lap. When I opened my eyes and looked at the photo again, I recognized Rocco on the left and Bacci on the right.
Both Caroline and I were so happy and over the moon excited to meet Beep and Bop.
Two days later, I received a message from Caroline:
“Hi. With a very broken heart. I called the rescue yesterday afternoon to check up. They said the foster decided to adopt them. And the foster has first choice. If it doesn’t work out they will call us.
“I don’t know what to think. I feel the universe played a very cruel joke on me.”
Caroline went on to say, “A friend of mine told me the boys might not stay in those bodies if those pups don’t come to us. I stayed home from work today. I needed a mental health day. I just don’t understand what happened.”
I felt crushed. I wrote back to Caroline. If Rocco and Bacci can’t get to you in those bodies, they will find another way. They are still coming to you. Your friend is right, the boys won’t stay in those bodies if they can’t get back to you in them. All souls can walk into other bodies. I’m not exactly sure how it works but the animals do. It has been explained to me by many animals that the bodies are like coats that the soul tries on. The soul can choose different coats just like I have different coats in my closet. A winter coat, a spring coat, a fall coat. It doesn’t matter what coat I have on, I am still me.
I really feel that the boys will be with you soon. All my love, Lynn

Bacci II and Rocco II
On Saturday, August 21, 2021 Caroline sent me another message:
“They are ours! The foster decided she didn’t want more dogs because she has one already. We’re going tomorrow morning to see them. Thank you, Lynn. I am so grateful to give you good news.
Caroline and Henry did find both Bacci and Rocco when they found Beep and Bop. They are here as a bonded pair.
Today is September 26, 2023. Caroline and Henry gave Beep and Bop their original names back. Bacci II and Rocco II are enjoying life with Caroline and Henry, together…again.
Photos courtesy of Caroline and Henry
Thank you for such a wonderful session and for this clearing statement and love meditation! I’ve used both already a few times this week. I really appreciated your heart-centered approach and am so pleased/relieved at all the good information I received from our session.
Sally Walker, Washington, DC
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