Did you know that elephants are wonderful mothers? They are, indeed. Female elephants will stay with their herd for life. They are very affectionate and always care for both their young and the elderly. Young males will leave the herd to begin a solitary life around age 12 to 14 years, so it is the females that raise the young and take care of their community.
Female elephants will embrace their leadership roles with grace and dignity and act with determination to fulfill their personal responsibilities throughout their lives. They teach us that we can and should do the same.
I first encountered Elephant as my Totem Animal in the summer of 2010. I was studying under the tutelage of my mentor, Rebecca. She was teaching us about finding and connecting with our Totem Animals. Elephant came to me and I could feel her grace and gentle love and I immediately wanted to learn more from her and about her.
I sat in meditation and invoked her presence. I asked her for guidance and asked what her message was for me. Here is what she told me:
I am a matronly presence in your life. Like a wise, loving adult, I watch over you and guide you to safety. I am compassionate, gentle and insightful, and I will never leave you feeling helpless, defenseless or exposed. I provide you with empathy; to see situations from all sides and attributes. If there is a dispute, particularly in relationships and family matters, I can help you overcome the obstacles blocking you from discovering a loving solution.
With my protection and guidance, you are safe to heal your wounds. When you are ready, we will go deep. Visualize yourself as my calf. Wrap your trunk around my tail and I will guide you to a place within; the place where your inner child resides. I have a powerful memory, and together we can heal broken and forgotten vows and promises. Here, we can heal that which no longer serves your Highest Good. We can transmute your fears in a loving way, guiding you along your path, opening your mind and heart to fully realize the wisdom that lies within.
At the time that I met Elephant, my husband and I were managing a halfway house for adults desiring to recover from addiction. I was devoted to serving the residents in our charge and I regularly asked my Angels and Guides for direction. I also meditated with my newly discovered Elephant Totem. I often saw her walking the property, circling the house, and I knew as she walked her path, she was nurturing me and protecting all of us from harm.
One day, as I focused on Elephant’s love, I saw her circling the house, this time she was with her calf. The little one had her trunk wrapped around her mama’s tail. This little one had complete trust that her mother would nurture her, take care of her, and keep her safe. I asked Elephant why she had brought her calf and what new message did she have for me?
She asked me to imagine that I was her calf. She wanted me to see that I could nurture myself in the same manner that she was caring for her little one. Following her sage advice, I found it easier to have compassion for myself. I could become my own wise loving adult as I nurtured my inner child. Through this process, Elephant guided me in nourishing my mind, body, and spirit so that I, in turn, could share compassion and empathy with the residents of the halfway house. She taught me that I could process my own wounds and heal old traumas so that I could better support those who needed my strength and patience. And, she taught me, in order to reach out and help others, I must first take care of myself.
Perhaps you have unintentionally isolated yourself or grown distant from family and friends. Meditate with Elephant. Ask her, and she will help you find your way home, back to the things that truly mean the most to you. Call on her to help you remember that you are deeply loved by those in both the seen and unseen worlds. May your life be filled with the peace and harmony that can be found deep within us all.
Hi Lynn,
I just wanted you to know that Lana continues to do much better since our session with you last Saturday. The healing you facilitated helped her so much – she is brighter, happier, and much more alive. I am so pleased to see her doing well again. You made a big difference for all of us! Thank you so very much!
Jessica – Olney, MD
Photo by Casey Allen on Unsplash
Photo by Simon Saw on Unsplash
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