Personally, I believe that we are all capable of speaking telepathically to our guides, the angels and to the animals. I believe that we were born with this ability and that we were socialized to use our words. But if you are willing to open your mind and your heart, you too, can feel confident about the messages that you are receiving.
How to Communicate With Your Animals, Tip #1: Wake up and be grateful.
Gratitude is a powerful and positive emotion. Feeling grateful raises the energy vibration and clears the mind. Notice that when you feel grateful, there is no fear. By allowing gratitude in, imagination says anything is possible.
How to Communicate With Your Animals, Tip #2: You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible.
Imagination is our most powerful tool. Imagination is our ability to be creative, to be resourceful. Sometimes when I feel that I can’t connect with the animals, I imagine what they might say to me. I breathe, I relax and I imagine. This exercise helps me release judgement, drop down into my heart, and move into right brain thinking. I imagine that I am in a neutral place. Like sitting in a theater and watching a play. The actors and actresses are telling me their story. In this place, I am able to take in information and connect deeply with the animals.
How to Communicate With Your Animals, Tip #3: Know that you come from a place of plentitude and abundance, you lack nothing.
Think about your gifts; your skills and your abilities. What makes you, uniquely YOU? We all have the ability to connect with God, the Universe, and all that is…this ability is through the breath. The breath is the most important gift we will ever know. It is through the breath that we connect with each other, the animals and God. This is the way that I connect with the animals.
Most often, when we breathe, we breath by default. Usually the breath is shallow, filling only the top of the lungs. We are not paying attention to it, we just breathe. It keeps us alive which in and of itself is a most glorious gift of course, but, when we breathe mindfully, we breathe down into the abdomen. We feel our bellies rise and fall. When we breathe mindfully, we bring our attention into our bodies. Our minds relax, our thoughts slow down, fear and anxiety leave us. We come into a place that is pure, loving, and peaceful. The breath is the key to moving into deep meditation. It will move you into right brain thinking. This is the space in which you can speak to the animals. You are whole and complete.
How to Communicate With Your Animals, Tip #4: Change is one of our greatest teachers.
Change asks us everyday to prove our commitment to ourselves. It leads us into the dark places and allows us to fill them with light. It shows us things about ourselves that we never knew. And before we know it, it shows us how powerful and strong we are.
The one thing that we can count on in life is CHANGE. We change our minds, we change our hearts, we change our lives. Every day. Each and every day, something happens that creates a contrast, a change in our lives.
Learning to listen to the animals requires us to go into the conversation with an open mind and an open heart. There cannot be any preconceived notions about how the conversation will go. With every animal I talk to, there is at least part of the conversation that is out of the ordinary. Every conversation creates change within me. I feel more love. More acceptance. And more freedom to express myself. I feel more confident, and yes, I feel closer to a power greater than myself.
One day I was talking to a dog named Chloe. Her human wondered if she has a favorite walk. I thought she would tell me her favorite walk is down the tree lined street, through the park, or along the waterfront. But no, none of these places came to Chloe’s mind. She told me that her favorite walk isn’t a place, it’s a feeling. Chloe said, “I know when my person is there with me, walking mindfully, and in the moment, she is noticing our surroundings. That’s when I walk in the spirit of love.” Chloe told me that when she and her person walk mindfully, with each other, they leave footprints of love. “Like footprints in the sand,” Chloe said, “I leave footprints of love everywhere I go, this is my favorite walk.”
How to Communicate With Your Animals, Tip #5: See with your heart.
One of the most precious gifts I receive from communicating with the animals, is the feeling of a heart opening. When it happens, I feel so much love flowing through my heart that I can’t contain it in my physical body. I can feel the expansiveness of love as it surges through my body and the love flows from my eyes in the form of tears. The heart opening is one of the most exquisite feelings there is. In this moment, everything is possible. Nothing matters except feeling and sharing love. The animals are filled with this pure love. Even those animals who have been abused, mistreated, and neglected are far more capable of sharing unconditional love than most humans (including myself).
When we see with our hearts, we are able to be fully present. We can let go of judgement of ourselves and others. Preconceived notions evaporate, and solutions appear in the blink of an eye. Whether I am talking to my clients one-on-one, or teaching classes, my intention is to create the space for all humans and animals to experience a profound and soulful heart opening.
How to Communicate With Your Animals, Tip #6: Peace.
It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
Our minds think. That’s what they do. And, when we are stressed, our minds think even more. But what if you could bring your mind into a place of non-thinking, even when there IS noise and chaos in your outside world? How DO you find peace inside your body?
Meditate. The word meditate means different things to different people. For me, it’s about being mindful and noticing what is happening right here, right now… Just noticing.
If you have a moment, sit in a comfortable position with your feet on the floor. Rest your hands gently in your lap or by your sides. Close your eyes. Breathe so that you can feel your belly rise and fall. Listen to your breath. Feel your belly rise. Think only of your breath.
When your mind wanders, that’s ok, just notice that your mind is thinking. Without judgement, return to your breath, find the silence in your mind.
The more you practice, the sooner and more often your mind finds the state of non-thinking. As your mind finds silence, it connects with your heart. Your heart opens. This is peace.
How to Communicate With Your Animals, Tip #7: Paying attention is the most basic and profound expression of love.
In the moment that you offer attention – real attention – attention where you are present and available…in that moment the heart naturally opens.
Practice being in the here and now. It’s not always easy, but it can prove to be very profound. Now that you’ve practiced sitting meditation in tip #6, go ahead and practice walking meditation. In all things, be present. Throughout your day, notice if you are fully engaged while preforming tasks. Are you listening, truly listening to conversation or are you preparing your response?
How often are you thinking of other things while you brush your teeth, comb your hair, or eat your breakfast? Begin to notice your thoughts. What is it that you are thinking about while you preform daily tasks? We spend most of our time thinking about something that happened in the past, or what might happen in the future. Rarely are we truly present. As often as you can, bring your focus back to the present moment.
How to Communicate With Your Animals, Tip #8: You’ll see it when you believe it!
Prove it to me. Like you, I have moments of skepticism. And also like you, sometimes I need proof before I can believe in truth.
Despite that, Animal Communication continues to teach me about faith and trust. On a daily basis I see that there is way more happening in the unseen world than meets the eye. The Divine is grand, and I now believe that we are all truly connected spiritually, mentally and emotionally in ways that we cannot even fathom. The unseen world is magical and mystical and it brings people, animals, places, things and situations into our field of vision for us to experience in ways that we could never have imagined for ourselves.
Like faith and trust, sometimes we need to believe something could happen before we see the signs in the physical world that it is happening. What if we opened our minds and hearts and began to see the signs that we are manifesting into our lives everything that we are asking for.
Our words are vibrations in the air. If we truly understood the power of our words, we would be much more mindful of how we speak. The words we speak are a vibrational match to all we experience.
How to Communicate With Your Animals, Tip #9: Be present to whatever is unfolding right now.
What is the difference between an altered state and living an ungrounded life?
To achieve the altered state necessary to connect with the animals, you must come from a place of love. Breathing deeply and imagining love flowing from your heart to your animal’s heart is the key to connecting with your beloved animal companion. Because you are breathing deeper than you normally do, you may feel lightheaded or altered. Your sense of wellbeing should be filled with joy, compassion and grace. This is the place where the connection is made.
Ungrounded energy is a vibrational frequency you create specifically to leave your body so you don’t have to feel, sense, or see the truth of a situation. It is created from fear. Living in an ungrounded state can be very uncomfortable, it becomes hard to stay focused on being present to whatever is unfolding right now. For some, this is a “normal” state of mind, and you may not even be aware that you are ungrounded. When I am ungrounded, I forget where I put things or what I was about to do. When I feel overwhelmed, I have a tendency to become ungrounded.
There are many ways to ground your energy back into your body.
To ground yourself back into your body, imagine that you are pulling your energy down through the crown of your head. Breathing in, bring your attention and the energy into your third eye. Exhaling the energy into your throat. Breathing in, focus on bringing that energy into your heart. Exhaling, feel the energy move down into your solar plexus, just above the navel. Breathing in, take that breath down to your sacral chakra, just below your naval. Exhaling the breath through your root at the base of your spine. Imagine the energy flowing down your thighs, your knees, your calves and ankles. Imagine the energy bursting into the earth and planting itself there. Go within, feel your body. Breathe.
Or, clench your butt cheeks together, that’ll ground you every time!
How to Communicate With Your Animals, Tip #10: Imagination is real. Cherish it with all your heart.
The imagination sometimes gets a raw deal. When we were children, we were taught to use our imagination. If we were in a sticky situation, our parents or teachers would tell us to use our imagination to find solutions to whatever was challenging us. If we were in art class we were encouraged to use our imagination.
But, if you saw or felt something out of the ordinary, those same people may have discounted your experience by saying, “Oh, that’s just your imagination.”
The truth is, our imagination is one of our most important and powerful tools. Everything begins in the imagination. We have to imagine a thing before we can bring it into the physical world. Before it was built, someone had to imagine all the furniture in your house. From that image in their mind, they found solutions to making it “real” or three dimensional.
Our imagination and creativity are located in the right brain. We analyze everything in the left brain. In order to talk to the animals, we must move from the analytical left brain into the creative and imaginative right brain. We must be in a creative or neutral space to talk to the animals.
How to Communicate With Your Animals, Tip #11 Breathe.
Breathing in, I calm my body and mind.
Breathing out, I smile.
Dwelling in the present moment. The only moment.
-Thich Nhat Hanh
The breath truly is the key to unlocking the mystery of Animal Communication. Breathe deeply. Concentrate on your breath. Feel your belly rise and fall. Imagine that you are breathing in love. Good. As you exhale, exhale love. When we breath mindfully, we slow down, we live in the moment, the mind centers itself, mind chatter ceases and conversation with the animals begins.
We move from the analytical left brain to the creative right brain.
How to communicate With Your Animals,Tip #12 Approach meditation with ease and as a joyous escape. After all, you practice this activity naturally during moments of daydreaming or lucid awareness.
-Doreen Virtue
Telepathic Animal Communication is a meditative process. I use a photograph of your animal to make the connection. I look at the photo, close my eyes and imagine your animal’s photograph in my mind’s eye. I state, “My intention is to speak to (the animal’s name). When I see your animal animated or moving in my mind’s eye, I know I have a connection. From there, we can have a conversation, just like you and I would do if we were on the phone or in person. The more information about your animal that I have prior to our session, the deeper we can go; just like you and I, the more we know about each other the deeper our conversations can go.
Go to that innocent place within yourself. Feel enthusiasm, joy, and wonderment.
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Life Changing Messages from 10 of My Favorite Animals
What the animals are trying to tell you.
Thanks for also talking about how focusing on the similarities between humans and animals can help a lot in being a better animal communicator. I’d like to find one soon because I plan to adopt a dog. Being able to connect with it with a lot of understanding will surely be a good idea.
Dear Alice,
Thank you so much for your comments. I truly appreciate you sharing your time with me. I’d love to talk to you and your dog. No matter if you are still in the process of looking or you have found your love, I’m here for you. You can schedule an appointment by going to my website contact page. When you scroll down, you will see the “Schedule a Private Session” button. By clicking on it, you will see my calendar. Here’s the link:
May your days and nights be filled with peace,